Monday, August 15, 2011

Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots everybody!

Last wednesday the one and only Guy Ramsay landed in London.
At 7am I met him in the hostel lobby and we then spent the day with the rest of the crew riding around London showing him the touristy sights.
It was also Tristan's 19th birthday which meant a pub lunch and a night of drinking and dancing at a bar in Notting Hill. What I remember of the night was awesome! "lol jokes" ;)

The next day revolved around food, and then seeing Wicked at night. OH MY GOD, it was amazing.
"Defying Gravity" gave me goosebumps and almost produced tears.
Even the three guys that came with us, Guy, Trist and Braiden, enjoyed it.

Friday we returned to Borough markets and bought too much and ate too much, but as always it was amazing. Friday night = beer olympics, but after we talked it up heaps, it OF COURSE went to shit. Too many people were there and then somehow a massively annoying band started up while we were trying to play.

Yesterday Guy and I took a day trip down to Sittingbourne so he could meet the family and I could dump some clothes that I don't want to carry around with me. We got stuffed with cake and tea and burritos and then were sent off with scones wrapped up. Ahhh I love Allison!
One of the girls was having going away drinks (as she is heaidng back home) so we trecked out to Shoreditch to a really cool little bar for a few drinks.
An early morning today, and we were on a train to Edinburgh - where we are now chilling out in the best apartment ever!
I'm so stoked to be here for a week.
For now we are absolutely exhausted, so we will take a night to recover and then check out the sights tomorrow as well as soaking up all that the Fringe Festival has to offer.

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