Saturday, October 22, 2011

And it goes.. on and on and on

Wahhh sorry guys!
I've been stagant for so long now I forgot that I still need to update this!

So since I last left you I have moved from night cleaning to night reception at the Astor.
This means 4-5 nights a week I do an 8pm to 8am shift on reception. Most of the time its easy and even a little boring, but sometimes when people are put in the wrong room or you have someone sleeping in a bed who's not actually staying at the hostel it's a little stressful.
And then there are the nights when everyone goes out without you and you see them come back niiiiice and drunk. Like Gatt tonight - hard to be mad at that puppy dog face though.

Other than working, and therefore sleeping until 2pm, still looking for an office job and the occasional drinking night I have just been hanging out with the kids here.
Saying hi to new faces that started work at the hostel, welcoming back Gareth (who is a night receptionist too) and Guy, and saying goodbye to Anna, Danny and Liv :(

I had Andrew here for a week or so, but he's back home now and loving it - say hi if you see him!

I also had a visit from my favourite boy in the world - Ali B. He stayed at the hostel for a week, which was unfortunately the week I did 5 night shifts in a row so I didn't get to spend as much time with him as I would have liked, but it was still amazing to have him here. He is now off galavanting around Spain on his way to France - lucky bugger.

I've also been in booking mode this week, having bought train tickets to Paris for my birthday and flights to Copenhagen with Jill to visit Trist. Exciting things coming up soon! (Sorry I've been a bit boring lately, haven't even taken any photo's lately, so these I stole from Jill and Bec)

Guy, Jill and I

Hannah Montana, Owivia, Anna Banana and Jillybean
Towards the end of a night out in Camden..

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